Oxygen Therapy Cambridge has its roots in the commercial diving industry. Oxygen therapy itself is used to prevent decompression sickness in military and professional divers, but has also been found to have other health benefits. As three ex professional divers that run Oxygen Therapy Cambridge, Simon, Andy and Mungo have run and used this type of treatment in their everyday working lives for over thirty years.

Other members of our team have gained their experience through completing specialised hyperbaric oxygen therapy training and running treatments regularly at our centre. Our team also use the oxygen therapy for their own health and wellbeing.

Oxygen Therapy Cambridge’s mission is to bring the health benefits of oxygen to our local community affordably. 

Oxygen Therapy Cambridge donates a number of sessions every month via the charity ‘Something to Look Forward to’  to make this therapy accessible to those undergoing or recovering from cancer treatment. (See our blog on this charity)

The chamber is just 10 minutes from the centre of Cambridge.

Oxygen Treatment Authority Members

Oxygen Therapy Cambridge are members of the Oxygen Treatment Authority (OTA), and all our staff have undergone additional specialist oxygen treatment training with leading cognitive scientist Dr Max Volino.